From Van Gogh’s Ear to the Webby Award

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Early this year two comics magazines – Croatian "Strip Revija" and Hungarian "Kockás" – both published the episode "The Ear of Van Gogh" from Martin Lodewijk’s famous series "Agent 327. " It is a story where our Agent becomes suspicious when a series of unknown paintings by the ingenious Dutch painter suddenly appear and turns the art world upside down.

This story was such a great success with the readers in Croatia and Hungary, that both magazines now ordered from SAF another episode entitled "Letter from the Past," which they want to publish this year. In this story, Agent 327’s first secret service mission takes him to the ruins of post-war Berlin, where he is being followed by a former German agent of the Third Reich, as well as another mysterious stranger.

And, yes, let’s not forget to congratulate our longtime friend and outstanding writer and artist Martin Lodewijk for an incredible success. Namely, the three-minute teaser of "Agent 327 – Operation Barbershop," produced by the Blender Animation Studio, which now has 4 million views on YouTube, has won the People’s Voice WEBBY AWARD 2018! You can watch this Agent 327 animation here: Agent 327 Animation

Cheers, Martin!